Devotions Pg 4

Giving to Your Creditor

Friday, April 19, 2024

The inventor, A. A. Hyde, found himself deeply in debt. Believing that because of his debt, any money he had belonged to his creditors, he didn’t tithe. One day, he was impressed with the thought that God was his first creditor and everything he had, had been borrowed from God in the first place. He began tithing in his debt, and as he did, the Lord caused him to become debt-free and greatly blessed him so that he could bless others. You, too, may be dealing with a lot of needs, lack, and want. You may not think you have much to give. It doesn’t matter. The Lord praised the tithing of the widow, because she gave out of her poverty. Poverty could be very affluent if you give out of it. Don’t ever think you have too little to give. If you have too little, you have too little not to give. Give to God out of your prosperity or your poverty. Give and it shall be given to you. In God’s eyes, giving is never limited by the size of your resources, only the size of your heart.

From Message #1148 – The Holy Debt
Scripture: Matthew 25:37-40

Today’s Mission – Give to the Lord today out of your much or your little. Bless Him in every way you can.

The Masks of God

Thursday, April 18, 2024

There are times the Lord appeared to His people in disguise: walking on water and they thought Him a ghost, to Mary/Miriam looking something like the gardener, to the disciples as a stranger on the road to Emmaus. So, too, the Lord often appears to your life in disguise, and just as His own disciples didn’t recognize Him, chances are you’ve missed Him. He may speak to you disguised as the radio teacher, the pastor, a friend, your conscience, or even as an unbeliever. The Lord may touch you through your boss, your parent, as sunlight on a beautiful day, or as a smile from a stranger. It’s the Lord in disguise. He might save your life through the correction of a friend, through the hurt of the enemy, or even through what looks like a tragedy at the time. If you belong to Him, the Lord says to you, “I am with you always even to the end of the age.” If you don’t always see Him or feel Him, it doesn’t mean He’s not there. It means He’s there right by your side in disguise.

From Message #253 – Recognizing Him
Scripture: Isaiah 41:10

Today’s Mission – Today, seek to identify all the appearances of the Lord in your life, in people, circumstances, guidance, provision, and blessings.

Talking to The Saints

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

There are some denominations that believe in the veneration of saints. They build statues to honor them and pray to them- Saint Joseph, Saint Jude, etc. Is it biblical to venerate saints? Yes, as long as it’s the right saints and the right venerating – as in giving honor. Scripture teaches that everyone who’s born of the Spirit is a saint – thus we must believe in all of them. It’s saints who greet you at Worship Service, who teach the word, who sit next to you in the service. We’re to honor the saints around us, never to worship or pray to them, but to revere and bless them. The saints who are already in heaven don’t need your reverence, but the saint who sits next to you, your brother and sister in the Lord, could use real love, respect, honor, and encouragement. It’s okay to ask a saint to pray for you as long as the saint is alive. It’s even nicer to pray for a saint, because the saints can use your prayers. Love a saint today, because saints are biblical and so is their veneration and blessing.

From Message #752 – To Become a Saint
Scripture: Ephesians 6:18

Today’s Mission – Take every opportunity the Lord gives you today, to honor and encourage the saints around you.

Rabbi Paul and Your Commentary

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Talmud and the Targums are Judaism’s writings on the Bible and commentary on the commentaries of the Bible. When you read the writings of Paul, it’s clear that he was a rabbi schooled in the Writings of the Rabbis. His writings are every bit as rabbinical in style and approach as that of the Talmud and the Targums of Judaism – except that he has the answer, the truth of Messiah, and the Spirit of God. God prepared him all his years before Messiah – to become an expert in commenting on Scriptures and bringing out their deeper meanings so that you could be blessed with the epistles. So, too, God has given you His Word and salvation and He wants you to comment on it, discuss it, share it, proclaim it, rejoice in it, and contemplate it. He’s given you His Word. Your life is to be the commentary on His Word. Let everything in your life, word, and deed be a commentary on God’s love and salvation.God gave you the Bible. Let your life now become its living, continuous, and never-ending commentary.

From Message #163 – The Five Gospels
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:15-16

Today’s Mission – Make everything you do today a commentary on the truth, love, and salvation of Messiah.

The Thomas Touch

Monday, April 15, 2024

Upon hearing the reports of the Resurrection, Thomas said, “Unless I see the nail prints in His hands, put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand in His side, I will not believe.” Eight days later Messiah appeared and said to him, “Put your finger here, see My hands, reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas responded, “My Lord and my God.” It’s literally a touching scene, and touching is the key. When Thomas touched the Lord, he stopped doubting. We need to do the same. Messiah doesn’t say, “hide or repress your doubts,” or “shame on you for having them.” He says, “Bring your doubts to me. Don’t let them separate you from Me. Touch Me and let Me touch your doubts and make them disappear.” Do you have doubts? Learn from doubting Thomas. Really, it’s unfair to call him doubting because he ended up very much believing. He approached the Lord with his doubts and touched Him. You do the same. Touch the Lord with your doubt and He’ll touch you with faith.

From Message #192 – Touching God
Scripture: Isaiah 26:4

Today’s Mission – Bring any doubts you may have to Messiah today. Bring everything to Him, even the most ungodly parts of your life and touch Him with it.

Your Storm Brother

Friday, April 12, 2024

Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” A brother is born for hard times, not just for the good times. In the good times, having a brother is good, but a true brother is born in the times of hardship, to stand with you when no one else will. That’s the most important time for being a brother. If you’re born again, you’re the brother of Messiah. You’re born for times of adversity, to show yourself true not just when everything seems fine, but also in times of testing. You’re born not to abandon, forsake, or deny Him, but to stand with Him all the more in adversity, trouble, and persecution. When times are tough in your life, that’s when you should show your true devotion to Him in your brotherhood. When you go through a trial, don’t despair. Praise and bless Him all the more; He’s your brother and you’re His. You’ll be blessed because you were born as His brother. A brother is born for adversity and He will stand in your adversity just as well.

From Message #997 – The Storm Brother
Scripture: 2 Samuel 22:26-27
Today’s Mission – Express your true devotion to God today by praising Him through whatever situations you go through

Inside The Name

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are safe.” If you are named among the righteous, you need to run into the name of the Lord. The name of the Lord is not just a group of letters or sounds. It’s His authority, His identity, it’s Him. To run into the name of the Lord means to get yourself inside Him, inside His identity- your name inside His name, your weaknesses inside His strength, your unrighteousness inside His righteousness, and your sins inside His holiness. Get inside Him. Salvation is getting your identity in God’s identity, getting your life inside His life so you are in Him. It’s no longer I that live, but Him. When you run into a tower, you disappear. If you want to be safe, disappear in Him. Get covered. Get your life, heart, emotions, sins, fears, ego, ambition- everything- inside the name, identity, authority, and will of God. Because the name of the Lord is a strong tower, and if you run into it, you will be safe.

From Message #986 – Inside the Tower
Scripture: Psalm 16:1

Today’s Mission – Run into the Lord today and let Him encompass you with His strength.

The Boa’s Strategy

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Boa constrictors can crawl 85 meters through a forest to enter the hole of a large mammal, coil there, and wait for the bait for days. The enemy is a serpent and uses the same strategy; he seeks to find an opening in your life, an unprotected open area, a foothold, a position to strike at you. If you know that the serpent is waiting to strike, the wise thing to do is identify that opening in your life. It can be an ungodly attitude, a habit, an ungodly incident, or something in your past- a hurt, a wound, unforgiveness, bitterness, a connection to the occult. Even pride, jealousy, insecurity, rejection, idolatry, lust, or a lack of trusting God can be openings. It could be any entrance at all, such as gossip, that television show, that magazine, the internet, that association, that place you go to that gives the enemy a foothold. He’s waiting to strike you. Be wise and seal up that hole in your life once and for all. The enemy is a serpent who needs only an opening. Don’t give him room anymore; close the door.

From Message #987 – The Serpentine Strategies
Scripture: Philippians 1:9-11

Today’s Mission – Today focus on sealing up any openings, gaps, weaknesses, sins, and danger areas to close the door to the enemy.

He who is Joy

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

God is the King of the universe and the Lord of all. You are part of the universe. Therefore the only way things can be right in your life is when you make Him who is the King of the universe, the king of your heart, and when you make Him who is the Lord of all, the Lord of your life. The Lord is also the Joy of all existence. The only way things can be truly right and blessed in your life is to make Him who is the Joy of all, the true joy of your life. You are to rejoice in the Lord always, because you’ve made Him the joy of your life. You are to delight yourself in Him, because you’ve made Him the delight of your heart. If you’ve made God the Lord of your heart, that’s great and essential. If you’ve made Him the Lord of your life, that’s just as important. But now do something even more: make Him who is the Joy and Delight of all creation, the joy and delight of your heart and your life will be blessed.

From Message #985 – Delight Yourself in the Lord
Scripture: Psalm 51:12

Today’s Mission – Spend time delighting in the Lord today and allow His joy to fill you to overflowing.

The Blessing of Anti-Semitism

Monday, April 8, 2024

For two thousand years, the Jewish people have been hated, persecuted, oppressed, killed, and massacred. One of the greatest evils the world has ever known, Adolf Hitler, was devoted to the total destruction of the Jewish people. You might think that all the hatred and suffering goes against the Word of God, but the Bible foretold it and it does just the opposite. If you look at it objectively, you have to say that there’s something supernatural and unique about the Jewish people. What else explains why all the forces of hell are against them? The darkness is so great against them because they are greatly linked to the Light. The darkness doesn’t disprove the light, it proves it. They’ve survived because the Bible said they would. In your life, all the evil you’ve dealt with, sin, problems, adversity, attacks, and setbacks should not discourage you, but encourage you. If you’re following God, it’s a witness that He’s real, He loves you, and you’re called to overcome and fight the good fight.

From Message #967 – The Beast of A Thousand Faces
Scripture: Psalm 139:5

Today’s Mission – Whatever challenges you have today, know that God’s power is greater. You’re on the winning side – Fight your good fight!

The Titanic And The Solid Rock

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Titanic scraped along an iceberg and didn’t sink until hours later. In the beginning, everything was still level and the people continued their activities. They saw the iceberg through the windows, but didn’t think that there was real damage. They couldn’t see it, but the damage was real, and the water began flooding the chambers. It was mortally wounded. People continued to talk and play cards. The band continued to play as if everything was fine, but there was limited time left. That’s a picture of life. It appears solid, but it’s mortally wounded. Eventually it’s going down. If your well-being is based on anything in this life, your well-being is going to sink. Messiah spoke of a rich man who stored up his treasure, but then his life was required. He put all his treasures in a sinking ship. Beware of growing comfortable in a sinking ship. No matter how much it glitters, it’s still sinking. Put your treasure where you can’t lose. Messiah is the rock; build your hope on Him, for all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is the Titanic.

From Message #982 – The Floating Palace
Scripture: Lamentations 3:24

Today’s Mission – Is your well-being dependent on anything other than Him? Today place your hope, your well-being, and your peace on nothing less than Messiah, the solid Rock.

One Believer Under God

Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declared the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ unconstitutional because of the words ‘under God’. God is being removed from American mainstream culture. But it’s not just about the word ‘God’, it’s about the word ‘under’. Without God, there is no under; the state becomes the final authority, man becomes the measure of all things, there’s nothing above him, and everybody becomes a god. What separates a true believer from false believers and non-believers is that they live under. They don’t just know about and praise God, they live under God by actually submitting their lives to Him. Are you truly living under God? When God’s will, plan, and desire isn’t yours, do you put your will, plan, and desire under God? The desire to remove the words ‘under God’ isn’t good, but the real point isn’t the words ‘under God’. It’s whether God’s people are living under God. If you want ‘under God’ to be in the pledge of allegiance, put ‘under God’ in your own pledge of allegiance to God. Live your life as a true believer, one believer under God.

From Message #981 – The City on the Hill
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:5

Today’s Mission – Today, truly submit your will to God and allow Him to direct your plans. Live truly as one believer under God!

The Simple Maxim

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust in the Lord and do good”. This perfectly sums up a great theological truth. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. If you don’t believe, you can’t do good. If you do believe, you have to do good. Faith without works is dead. Works without faith are empty. Work out your salvation, because it’s God who’s at work with you. Trust, believe, and then act on your faith. Don’t try to do good without believing. Don’t believe and then not apply your faith into action. Let every work come from faith, and let your faith work. As the hymn says, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey”. The key to abundant life is very simple. Believe His Word and then just do it, just truly believe. Then take that faith into your life, with real faith actions, and see what happens. Keep it simple. Trust in the Lord and do good. Even more simple: “Trust and obey. For there’s no other way to be happy in Yeshua/Jesus, but to trust and obey”.

From Message #980 – The Fruitful Bough
Scripture: Proverbs 16:20

Today’s Mission – Take a word from Scripture today. Believe it, and then act on it.

The Path of The Magi

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The magi were priests of a pagan religion, yet they found Messiah because they were seeking Him.The Jewish leaders of that day, knew about God but didn’t find Him because they weren’t seeking Him, they were heading the wrong way. It’s not your position or your past that matters – it’s where you’re heading. A sinner who’s heading to God is better off than a saint who’s falling away. So where are you heading? Paul said, “I discipline my body[…] so that after I’ve preached to others I won’t be disqualified”. He also said, “Forgetting what lies behind, I press on”. He started out every day as if he were a new believer who had as much to know about the Lord then as at the beginning. Have the same attitude. Seek to know God, because we don’t even know the half of God. It’s not who you have been, or even where you are, it’s where your heart is heading. Don’t rest on your laurels. Seek God again as you did at first. It’s a good road, it’s the road of the Magi.

From Message #979 – Amazed in Cyprus
Scripture: Jeremiah 24:7

Today’s Mission – Make it your aim today to seek God with all your heart and draw nearer to Him.


Monday, April 1, 2024
Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission…
     Last month, I wrote to you about one of the most important developments in world culture – and apostasy – the pope’s directive that the Catholic Church is now to bless those actively involved in homosexuality – what Catholic doctrine itself had deemed “grave depravity.” Because this bears colossal ramifications for Western civilization – and because something else happened – it warrants our taking note.
     It happened in Argentina, the pope’s homeland. It happened in the province of Buenos Aires, the pope’s home city. There is in that land a statue of Peter. Keep in mind, the papal claim that the pope sits in the office of Peter as Peter’s successor. What happened? A lightning bolt struck the statue.
     It was not only where this happened – but when. The lightning struck the statue on December 17. December 17 is Pope Francis’ birthday. But there was more. The decree that altered nearly two thousand years of Catholic practice – to bless same sex unions, was issued on December 18. The lightning struck the statue the day before it went forth.
     On the statue’s head was a halo. The halo is a sign of holiness. When the lightning struck the statue it removed the halo from its head. What would that signify? It would signify the absence of holiness. One cannot do what the pope did and be reckoned holy – certainly not by God.
     The statue was holding a key – as in the keys of Peter. It referred to the Scripture in which the Lord speaks of the authority to bind and loose on earth as in heaven. When the lightning struck the statue, it removed the keys. What would that signify? It would signify the removal of authority. The authority of God can only be given to those who follow the will of God. If one departs from God’s will – if one violates and defies that will, one certainly cannot bear His authority.
     The lightning not only removed the keys – it eviscerated the statue’s hand. The statue’s hand was in effect destroyed. The hand by which Catholic priests are now to bless homosexual unions is the right hand. The hand of the statue that was destroyed was its right hand: the hand of blessing.
     God is not mocked. And all will stand before His seat of judgment – all including popes, and each of us. It won’t then matter what the polls said, what the world said, or what the pope said. It will only matter what God said, the Word of God. Live this month – and your life – in light of that truth, in light of God’s Word, and in light of that day. And may God greatly bless you as you do!

Your brother and co-laborer

in His love and service,

Barachat Avote

Friday, March 29, 2024

Scripture teaches us about the father’s blessing; Abraham blessing Isaac, Isaac blessing Jacob, and Jacob blessing his sons. In every generation, fathers are supposed to bless their children and children are supposed to receive the blessing. Adolf Hitler, who propelled the world into WWII and was responsible for the death of 6 million Jews and millions of others, was raised by a father who treated him harshly, with rage and beatings. Not that his father was responsible for what he did, but it’s noteworthy that he never received his father’s blessing. It’s really important to receive your father’s blessing. Maybe you never did and your life has been affected by it. The good news is, if you’re born again, you now have a Heavenly Father who’ll never refuse to give His blessing to you, the child He loves. As a beloved child of God, you can now receive your Father’s blessing. Receive it, because it’s time to live as a beloved child. All you need to do to live a blessed life is get blessed. So get your blessing, because your Father is waiting to give it.

From Message #977 – Your Father’s Blessing
Scripture: Proverbs 10:22

Today’s Mission – Receive the blessing from your Heavenly Father today and become the beloved.

The Promised Land in all Places

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Eretz is a Hebrew word used in scripture for the world or the land – specifically, the land of Israel – and the earth. In the Sermon on the Mount, Messiah was quoting Psalm 37:11: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. Eretz can mean both promised land and the whole world. As a believer, wherever you are in the world, you’re meant to be dwelling in the promised land. Anywhere in the world/eretz, you can dwell in the eretz/promised land. Anywhere you live can become a promised land for you. Wherever you live, live as if you’re in a land of promises. That’s the way to dwell in His perfect will, His blessings, His promises, and His goodness. It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s Who you’re with that makes any place in the world the Promised Land. It’s great to make a pilgrimage to Israel, but it’s even better to dwell in the Promised Land no matter where you live. Learn to dwell there all the time, because as a child of God, you’re given the blessing of dwelling in the land of promises.

From Message #974 – Dwell
Scripture: 1 Kings 8:56
Today’s Mission – Whatever you go today, live as if you’re in the land of God, walking into His promises, and you will be!

The Tarrying Factor

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Some people have formulas about how to receive the fullness and empowering of God’s Spirit, some have seminars on it. Messiah said, “Tarry in Jerusalem”. The word in Greek is kath-id’- zo. It means to stay, to continue. They had to continue in Jerusalem, in God’s will and presence. If they’d only stayed four days instead of ten, they’d have missed the blessing. If you want the fullness and power of His Spirit, you have to kath-id’ – zo. Stay, continue, and keep on in the will of God. Consistency in God is important. Many people give up before they get the blessing. The secret of receiving the blessing in God’s Spirit is linked to tarrying. They didn’t just go to Jerusalem and get the blessing, they had to stay there and persevere before they saw anything. The Spirit life is about continuing, abiding, perseverance, consistency, endurance, and continuing in His Word and will without giving up. Do you want to reap? Keep on keeping on, in the will and calling of God and He will come to you to fill your life with fullness and power from on high. You just continue.

From Message #972 – Welcoming the Spirit
Scripture: Luke 24:49

Today’s Mission – Make it your aim to keep on in what is good. Don’t give up in the Lord, but press on no matter what.

The Mirrors of God

Monday, March 25, 2024

I knew two great saints of God, Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand, leaders of the underground church in Romania. In Sabina’s last days, she was in great pain. Feeling overwhelmed, she asked the Lord, “How long?” He reminded her of how, as a young woman, she’d taken some jewelry to be worked on. The jeweler put her jewelry over a flame.Panicking, she’d cried, “You’re going to destroy it!” He turned up the fire and said, “Trust me, I know what I’m doing. I have to keep it on the fire until I can see my reflection on the metal. Then it’s finished.” She heard the Lord say, “Don’t panic, trust Me. I Am the Master Jeweler. You must go through the fire for a moment and when I can see My face reflected in you, it will be finished.” Soon after that, she peacefully went home to be with the Lord. When you go through trials, don’t fear. God’s purpose isn’t to hurt you, but to change you into the image of Messiah. God wants to see His reflection in you because you’re His jewel and He’s your Master Jeweler.

From Message #970 – The Way of the Great
Scripture: Romans 12:12
Today’s Mission – Are you going through a trial today? Allow God to purify you so that He can see His reflection in you

Walking in the Angelic

Friday, March 22, 2024

In Acts 12, Peter’s in jail for his faith and is awaiting execution when an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him with the good news that he’s going free. The word angel, Malakh in Hebrew and Angelos in Greek, can be translated as “news bringers.” Angels came to shepherds in Bethlehem and said, “We bring you good news and great joy.” In the origins of the words Good News, or Gospel, is the word angel. In English, when you say evangelism, the word angel is in it. When you share the gospel by the Spirit of God or help somebody be set free from bondage, in the Lord you’re an angel on assignment. When you see somebody in need of salvation, or someone who seeks the love of God and good news, become their angel. When you do God’s will, minister, and serve, go as one sent from heaven on angelic assignment. Get into the joy of it. Start your angelic visitations now. It’s angelic and it’s glorious. Get started in the Great Commission, on your divine mission. Become their angel.

From Message #964 – Angels and Outlaws
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:2

Today’s Mission – Start your angelic visitations today and share Messiah with someone who needs to hear it.

The Spiritual Bee

Thursday, March 21, 2024

When a bee’s life is in the larva stage, it does nothing but eat. It doesn’t look for pollen or help fellow bees, it lives inside the cell and gets fed. This doesn’t last long, and in a short time, the bee leaves this stage, comes out of the cell, and begins helping. It no longer has anyone feed it, it helps to feed others. It goes quickly from being ministered to, to ministering to others. Bees seem a lot wiser than some believers. We tend to get into a mode of expecting others to minister to us, meaning we’re still in the larva stage. This stage has a purpose, but there’s no future in it because you’re in a cell. Freedom comes when you forget about your needs and minister to the needs of others. Forget about having others bless you; you bless, love, and reach out to others. Only then can we attain maturity in Messiah. It’s time to grow up, fulfill our calling, and become conformed to His image. It all begins when you step out of the larva cell.

From Message #963- The Honeycomb
Scripture: Matthew 20:28

Today’s Mission – Today, live as a mature believer. Set your heart on blessing others and move in the joy of selflessness.

The Preserver

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Jeremiah 31 declares that as long as there’s the natural order of creation, God will preserve the Jewish people. The Shehecheyanu is a Hebrew prayer thanking God for preserving us and sustaining us. All of hell has sought to wipe out the Jewish people from being preserved, yet God fulfilled His Word. Many civilizations have vanished, but the Jews are still here. God preserved them and returned them to the land of Israel, just as He promised. In your life, it may sometimes seem that all hell is against you. You may wonder what’s in the future and if you’re going to make it. God is very good at keeping His word. He kept the Jewish people through all hell for thousands of years. He who keeps Israel is the same One who will keep you who are His child. As a believer, you’re part of the commonwealth of Israel and He’s the Keeper of Israel. You don’t have to worry about your future, because you know Him who holds your future. He’s the One who will hold you, because He who keeps Israel, and you, will neither slumber nor sleep.

From Message #962 – The Genesis Gene
Scripture: Philippians 1:6

Today’s Mission – Today, trust the Lord with all your concerns for your future. Give Thanks for His taking care of it all. Trust in His peace.

The Timeless Time Code

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I once sent an email to a staff worker who was only able to open it a week later. When she did, it showed that current day’s date on the memo. She thought that by the power of God’s Spirit, I foreknew the exact date she would open it. I explained to her that I’d simply used the date code that updates itself every day and her wonder faded away. Though it was written thousands of years ago, the Bible has a date code. Every time you open it, you’re reading a Word for today. God’s Word is alive and new. If you look at the Word you read yesterday again today, it isn’t dated for yesterday. The date is for the moment you receive it. Receive the Word as if it’s dated for today to be applied, obeyed, followed, and walked in. Open up the Bible, and in God’s Spirit, see the fresh living Word of God specifically for you, for this day. It can change your life when you discover that every scripture contains, within the moment you receive it, a super natural date code.

From Message #961 – The Gumby Principle
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:23

Today’s Mission – Today, ask the Lord for one verse. Take that verse as a living word for you and for today and live it.

The Pausing Man

Monday, March 18, 2024

Saul/Paul zealously persecuted believers until the light of God knocked him off his feet and life was changed. It seemed like he became a totally different person, but in truth, the moment he was struck by the Light was the moment he was born for. When the Lord asked him why he was persecuting Him, he asked the Lord “What is Your name?” Saul’s parents gave him the Hebrew name Shaul, meaning “he who asks,” and Paulos, or Paul, is linked to the words to pause. For the first time in his life, he’s pausing and asking. This was what he was named for. God had a purpose for his life, and confronted with it, he stepped out and took the risk. When you step out and respond to God’s call, you change- not into someone else, but into the person you’re made to become in the first place. Believe the Lord, obey, step out in faith, and do what you’ve never done before. Like Shaul, you’ll fulfill the destiny for which you were born and become the person you were always meant to be.

From Message #827 – Your Secret Destiny
Scripture: Joshua 24:24

Today’s Mission – Believe the Lord today – step out in faith and do what you’ve never done before.

The Secret of Gideon, Samson, and Joshua

Friday, March 15, 2024

Every believer is part of a fight against some kind of evil, temptation, habit, or situation. Scripture records that on the day of battle, God’s Spirit came upon His people. His Spirit came on Gideon, Samson, and Joshua and they fought their battle, overcame the enemy, and won. The key is that they didn’t just fight their battles, they were filled with God’s presence in that battle, and so they won. You can’t fight evil by just fighting evil. You can only fight evil with the good, in the good, through the good, by the good, and for good. Fight the darkness by being filled up with the light of God’s presence. Fight the flesh by being filled up with God’s Spirit. Remember, the great biblical warriors never just fought their enemies, they fought in, by, and through the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit. Stop dwelling on your conflict, what’s against you, and what you’re against. Start getting filled up with the good. In that, you will overcome and you will emerge from your battle victoriously.

From Message #823 – The Lion’s Roar
Scripture: Micah 6:8

Today’s Mission – Before you fight your battles or deal with your problems today, receive from God the anointing for victory.

Bearing The Bridegroom’s Name

Monday, March 11, 2024

Traditionally, married women take the name of their husband. Even in cultures where they had no last names, the woman was still known by her husband’s identity. As believers, we’re Messiah’s bride and the bride must take the name of her husband. In a sense, we already have it. The word Messianic, or Christian, is basically the bride, or the church, wearing the name of her husband. Deeper than that, it means that as a bride, you bear the identity of your husband. It doesn’t matter who you once were, you now have the new identity of Messiah- that’s the sign you’re married. You don’t live as you used to live, defeated. You live as someone who’s blessed, victorious, innocent, righteous, pure, and beautiful in God. That’s who He is and that’s what you received in Him. It’s not a prideful thing, it’s a simple married thing. Take the name of Messiah. Wear it- it is your privilege, your blessing, your calling as a bride. Be beautiful, holy, and blessed in Him. It’s the blessing of the bride to wear the bridegroom’s Name.

From Message #816 – The Prime Identity
Scripture: Galatians 2:20

Today’s Mission – Immerse yourself in Messiah’s identity today so that everyone around you will see you as His beautiful bride.

Ending The Vaccuum

Friday, March 8, 2024

How do you remove air from a cup? The simple way is to fill it with water. You could get a vacuum machine and try to suck all the air out, but you could end up destroying the cup. How do you get sin out of your life? We try to stop doing it- and that’s good- but it’s not enough. It’s a vacuum- something else will come in. You try to stop thinking angry or bitter thoughts, or try not to worry, and then it comes back again. The key is that the focus isn’t the sin. It’s like trying to remove air from a cup with a vacuum and crushing the whole thing. How did God remove sin from this world? He did it by coming in, by putting in His presence. How do you take away sin from your life? By filling it up with the presence of God. Like a cup, fill your life up with His peace, joy, blessings, and Spirit. Get God into everything and sin will get out of everything. It’s as simple as pouring water into a cup.

From Message #812 – The Immanuel Solution
Scripture: Romans 15:13

Today’s Mission – Allow God’s Spirit to fill your life with His presence today and wash away all that is not of Him.

Every God Has Its Altar

Thursday, March 7, 2024

At the time of Israel’s apostasy, the land was filled with altars for sacrifices to false gods. Even when the people were in rebellion to God and living in sin, they still offered sacrifices, because a god is that which you sacrifice for. In your life, what is your God? You might say, “My God is God”. Ask yourself, what are the things that you are sacrificing for? Are you sacrificing for success, money, comfort, pleasure, sin, lust, yourself, your reputation, or your glory? What are you spending your time, energy, joy, dreams, and thoughts on? Those are your offerings. What are you really sacrificing for? If it’s not God, there are other gods in your life and all those other gods in the end will take from you, drain you, and bring you destruction. They’re focused on receiving your sacrifice, but there’s only One God who sacrificed Himself and died for you. Stop sacrificing to those false gods in your life. Offer your best to the only God who deserves it, because He gave you His best. Go and do likewise.

From Message #800 – Smash The Gods
Scripture: Exodus 20:3

Today’s Mission – Are you in any way serving and sacrificing to something that’s not God? Stop and present your body as a living sacrifice to your Lord.

Why You’ve Probably Had A Jewish Doctor

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Did you ever wonder why so many doctors are Jewish? The Jewish people were called to bring redemption to the world. That means healing. There’s a concept in Judaism called tikun olam, meaning bringing healing or redemption to the world. That’s the Jewish mission. It’s no accident that they became a people of healing. In fact, some of the greatest advances in medicine and healing of many diseases has come through them. That’s good news for you. Messiah is the greatest Jewish doctor in the universe. It’s no accident that one of His central missions is healing. You have a Jewish doctor, the greatest One who ever lived. He will deal with every single thing in your life as a specialist. You’ll never get a bill and He makes house calls. Whatever you need for healing, wholeness, your completion, your well-being – spiritual, emotional, and physical – bring it to Him. Whatever your wounds or your pain, bring it to Him, let Him see it, let Him touch it, and let Him bring you your healing, because you have the best Jewish doctor ever.

From Message #799 – The Great Physician
Scripture: Proverbs 4:20-22

Today’s Mission – Bring your wounds to Messiah today and let Him touch them and bring you your healing.

His Secret Agents

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

We think of the word Christian as a religious term. The word comes from Christianos, which was given to believers in Antioch. It wasn’t a religious term, but used to refer to Messiah’s people, party, or partisans in the same way that they would speak of Ceasar or Herod’s partisans. Political parties try to affect the world and change things. We are Messiah’s party. More than anything, we’re to be affecting and changing the world. Unlike the political parties of the world, we have the true power to change it. We’re the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and if you’re not affecting the world, you’re not doing your job. Are you leaving circumstances better, worse, or just the same as when you entered? We’re Messiah’s partisans, His party, His people, His agents on earth. We have the potential and power to make a difference. You have the power to change your circumstances, your homes, your neighborhoods, your family, your relationships, and your world. The Lord made you different so you could make a difference. You are Messiah’s partisan, an agent of change.

From Message #797 – The Messiah Partisans
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:10

Today’s Mission – Be Messiah’s agent of change. Make a difference in your world and the lives of those around you today.

The Huppah Children

Monday, March 4, 2024

In the Gospels, we’re called friends of the bridegroom. That Greek term means children of the bridal chamber, which is a translation of the Hebrew idiom Bnei HaChuppah, meaning children of the huppah. Huppah is the wedding canopy over the bride and groom. The children of the huppah are those who are closest to the bridegroom. If you’re born again, you’re a child of the huppah, one who is close to the bridegroom. Most bridegrooms are joyfully looking forward to the wedding. The closer you get to them, the more joy, excitement, and blessing you have. There are many believers who claim to be close to Messiah, but they don’t have joy or excitement. The true children of the huppah are those believers who are filled with joy, love, and excitement. If you find that lately you don’t have a lot of joy, get your eyes off yourself and get close to the Bridegroom. When you get really close to the Bridegroom, you won’t be able to hold back the joy, love, and excitement of the Bridegroom. It will fill your heart and life as a child of the huppah.

From Message #783 – Children Of The Huppah
Scripture: John 3:29

Today’s Mission – Draw closer to your Heavenly Bridegroom today, spend quiet time in His Huppah, the Marriage Chamber.


Friday, March 1, 2024

Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission…
     It began as the last year was drawing to its end. It has only begun. Its repercussions will be seismic. After nearly 2000 years of declaring homosexuality, lesbianism, and alternate sexuality a grave sin, as does the Bible, the Catholic Church, under the Pope’s leadership declared that it would now give its blessings to those involved in all of the above.
     Two years earlier, the Vatican’s office of Doctrine had issued a statement on the matter saying, “God cannot bless sin.” But the Pope overturned it. This was massive – not just for Catholics, but for the world. The Catholic Church has long been intertwined with western civilization, and was central in laying down it’s moral foundations. Even our present calendar was determined by the Vatican. For the Catholic Church to now bless what God clearly calls sin, which Catholic doctrine up to this point has called, intrinsically disordered, contrary to natural law, and grave depravity is colossal.
     What is it? In one word: Apostasy. The Bible foretells that in the last days there will be a great apostasy. The word apostasy means to fall away from one’s stand, or, in its Biblical usage to fall away from faith. What prompted the Pope to do something that would have, just the other day, have been unimaginable? He was simply following the course of an apostate civilization. It is the same exact process, transformation, and fall that happened to other organizations that once stood against this sin and then succumbed to it – from the Democratic Party, to Hollywood, to the corporate world, to the Boy Scouts, to the American legal system, and on and on. But that it has now happened, and is happening to the Catholic Church is a big deal.
     Unless what the Pope did is reversed, it will not stay a simple blessing of same-sex couples, but the day will come when you will see something that most never thought they would see – the Catholic Church performing homosexual and lesbian marriages and declaring them holy, and displaying the rainbow flag more prominently than the cross. The Pope opened up the floodgates. Expect a flood.
     This will also accelerate the fall and apostasy of Western civilization. For if the one who was supposed to be applying the brakes on that fall has now declared that, that fall is to be blessed – all bets are off. The Bible says that the end-times will be characterized by apostasy and the increase of immorality. It even implies the apostasy of the church.
     That day has come. And the good news is God said it before it happened. He is still on the throne. And in the growing darkness, the lights of God will shine all the more brightly and will light up their world. This month, you be that one! Shine against the darkness and light up your world. And may God greatly bless you as you do!
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,


See Message: The Days of Apostasy (And How to Prosper in Spite of Them)
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The Mayflower Prophecies

Thursday, February 29, 2024

In school, we learned about the Puritans but never learned of the very prophetic side to them. Long before Jews for Jesus and Messianic congregations, the Puritans were saying that one day there would be a revival and the Jewish people would come back into Messiah. From as early as 1620, articles on the Messianic revival to come appeared in the ‘El Naton Par’. It said the Jewish people would come in, causing gentiles to come in. It’s happening now! More Jewish people have come to Messiah since Jerusalem came back to Israel than at any other time since the Book of Acts. In fact, this ministry is part of the manifestation of Jew and gentile, one in Messiah. It was all prophesied by the Puritans because the Bible prophesied it thousands of years before. You’ll never be ashamed staying true to the Word of God. Whatever the Bible says will happen. We’re part of prophetic purposes, written centuries and thousands of years ago. Don’t just hang out-live a life worthy of one of the very high, holy, prophetic end-time purposes of God. Live that way!

From Message #792 – The Mystery Reapers
Scripture: Colossians 3:17

Today’s Mission – Pray for revival, spread God’s love, and fulfill your end-time purpose.

The Shalom Bride

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

In the Hebrew marriage, when the woman accepts the offer of marriage from the groom, she becomes the bride. She’s not of her old house anymore. Her purpose is to prepare herself, say goodbye to her old life and home, and get ready for a better place. She’s the goodbye girl, or ‘the shalom bride’. Her purpose is to leave. In the same way, if you’re born again, you’re now the bride. It’s not the marriage yet, but the world’s no longer your home. You’re not here to get rich, famous, popular, or more comfortable; you’re here to say goodbye. Learn how to say goodbye to your possessions, your past, your ego, your reputation, your old self, your burdens, and your flesh. This world used to be your home, but it isn’t anymore. You have something better. In Hebrew, shalom not only means goodbye, but also hello. Every time you say goodbye to something in the world, you’re saying hello to something in heaven. You’re getting ready to receive the blessings of your new house; the house that will never pass away.

From Message #781 – The Mystery of the Calah
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11

Today’s Mission – Say goodbye to your past or anything else you need to say goodbye to – and welcome in your blessing from heaven.

An Americaless Independence Day

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

July Fourth is a celebration of America’s independence, but imagine celebrating the Fourth of July with no America. One of the most amazing and peculiar things about the Jewish people is that for two thousand years, they’ve celebrated the harvest feasts, giving thanks to God for harvests that didn’t exist, sacrificial lambs that were no more, and a Temple that was nowhere to be seen. It would be as if we celebrated the Fourth of July, but there was no Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, or nation known as the ‘United States’. The Jewish people celebrated their nation that didn’t exist- until it did. If you’re born again, you’re part of the commonwealth of Israel. You have to learn to be just as crazy and celebrate that which is yet to come as if it already has. In the middle of the battle, celebrate the victory. In the middle of the need, celebrate the answer. When you have no reason to celebrate, give thanks and hold your festival. Do it anyway, and God will give all the reasons you need.

From Message #699 – The Dream Harvest
Scripture: Romans 1:17

Today’s Mission – Give thanks and celebrate the answered prayers that are yet to come.

What God, What Blessing And Which America?

Monday, February 26, 2024

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, a few questions. Many in their celebration say “God bless America”, but which GOD, which America, and what Blessing? Is it the God of the Bible or the god of Islam? Is it the America founded to be a light to the nations, the source of Gospel missions, the friend of Israel and foe of what is godless, or the America that is the chief exporter of pornography, blaspheming God daily on its media airwaves, and has advocated the killing of unborn children in the tens of millions? Is it the blessing of being kept safe and prosperous so we can continue in sin? No, we should be praying that America will bless God! The focus of our prayers shouldn’t be our nation’s prosperity, but on our nation’s repentance. So, too, in our own lives, it’s most important that we repent and live in God’s will. You can’t expect His blessings if you don’t embrace and submit to His will. Pray that your life be truly in His will. Bless God with your obedience and God will bless you with His best.

From Message #924 – Voice of the Watchmen
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14

Today’s Mission – Focus your prayers on repentance today and pray for our nation to do the same.