Devotionals PG 3

Separating The Leper

Friday, January 13, 2023

In Mark 1:42 it says, that “the leprosy left.” A strange thing, it would be more natural to say the man was healed of leprosy. It doesn’t say that, it says the leprosy left him. Now it would be the natural thing to associate the man with the disease. The man was a leper, because he had leprosy. But, here it separates it because ultimately Messiah is going to separate the disease and the man. We often look at people by their afflictions. This man is a sinner, that one is selfish. But this one is a leper. God doesn’t see this one as a leper, He separates it. We should do the same thing. This is not a selfish person, this is a person who is under selfishness, but can be free of that selfishness. See the person not as they appear to be, but as God made them to be, and as Messiah redeemed them to become. Treat them as such and you will stop seeing lepers and you will start seeing the leprosy leave.

From Message #655 – If You Are Willing
Scripture: Mark 1:42

Today’s Mission – Put on the eyes of God today. Separate the person from their sins and their sinful identity. And see them as God made them to be – Just as God sees you.

The one who Blesses

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The word for Jew in Hebrew is Yehudi. Yehudi comes from Yahudah which means to thank, to praise. So, if you are born again, the Bible says you are a fellow citizen of Israel, you are Jewish in spirit, a Yahudah in spirit. That means your identity is to give thanks. So are you a thanker? Are you someone who praises and blesses, no matter what? That is what you are to be known for. What is the key thing that comes out of your mouth? It is to be giving thanks and being the blessing. Look at your blessings, count your blessings, number them. All you have to do is be thankful. It’s amazing how all of a sudden you are going to feel so happy, so blessed, so content, so rich, so joyful, so peaceful. Thank God every day for your salvation. Thank God for everything, because the one who is always giving thanks for all things, that’s the one who is blessed, and there is nothing more Jewish than that.

From Message #1267 -The Blesser
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Today’s Mission – Find your identity in Messiah as a blesser. Fill your day with thanksgiving and praise.

The Wilderness Leading

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

In Mark 1:12 it says, the Spirit compelled Him. That’s Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus. The Spirit compelled Him to the wilderness. People preach that God always leads us to earthly blessing, and if we are in the wilderness, something is wrong. Maybe, we don’t have enough faith, or we’re in sin. Just because you are in the wilderness, it doesn’t mean that you are not in the Spirit. It might be the Spirit Himself who took you there. We need the wilderness, the hard times, the times without, so that God can do a greater work. Messiah was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He was led there not because He was out of God’s will, but because He was right in the center of God’s will. God has a plan. Are you being tested? Praise Him, glorify Him, obey Him, just like Messiah did. The Spirit led you in that place. The same Spirit will lead you out when God’s purposes have been accomplished; then you will be ready to take on the mantle of your greater calling.

From Message #41 – The Wilderness
Scripture: Mark 1:12

Today’s Mission – No matter what you go through today, in everything, seek to hear His voice, find your mission, and follow His leading – to victory.