A read to enjoy.

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Are you descended from a Fallen Angel?

Thousands of years ago, the Fallen Angels wandered the Earth. But what became of them…and how can you tell if you’re descended from them?

They were the Fallen Ones.
Not because they’d tumbled out of Heaven into the fraught and quarelling world of men far below.
But because they’d tasted sin.
There were the Seraphs, the highest order of celestial hierarchy, Satan, Leviathan, Beliel.
The Cherubs, Azazel, Beelzebub, Berith.
The Archangels, Adramelech, Sarfael, Zagiel.
Two hundred in all. Put on this earth by God, in a time before Jesus, a time even before the Great Flood when Noah built his Ark.
The angels, the Sons of God.
It was their job to be shepherds of humankind, to watch over man, take care of him, protect him, lead him in the ways of purity and goodness.
But some of those angels couldn’t resist the pleasures of human flesh. The pleasures of sex.
‘The Sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair,’ it says in Chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis.
What happened next was perhaps inevitable.
‘The Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,’ Genesis continues. ‘And the daughters of men did bare children to them.’
God’s trust had been betrayed. The offending angels were cast out, became known as the Nephilim, which is Hebrew for ‘fallen’.
But what happened to the children born of a human mother and an angel father?

“Satan smitten by St Michael, scene from Milton’s Paradise Lost. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker.”
For answers, we have to turn to the Book of Enoch.
The Book of Enoch is an official part of the Bible only in certain Christian traditions, like the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
But it describes in great detail how the Fallen Angels taught their wives and children, instructed them.
And for the first time, human beings had knowledge.
‘Azazel taught them how to make swords,’ the Book of Enoch says. ‘Kokabiel taught astronomy, Penemuel instructed humans in the art of writing and reading…’
And because God believed all this knowledge was corrupting mankind, he sent the Great Flood.
Soon, humanity was washed away, along with the Nephilim and their children.
It would be up to Noah to start over again.
All of which sounds like a rather far-fetched story taken from books written thousands of years ago.
But what if it were true? And what if the Nephilim and their children survived the Flood somehow?
Chapter 10 of the Book of Genesis tells how the children of Noah’s oldest son Japheth left the Holy Land and populated Northern Europe.
But some experts believe those weren’t Japheth’s children at all. They believe Japheth had been killed by a Nephilim who assumed his form and had children with his wife.
Which might sound even more far-fetched than before. Until you consider the evidence.
The Nephilim and their children were said to have a reddish tinge to the hair on their heads and their pubic hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, a tendency to high blood pressure and a higher than average IQ.
Sound like anyone you know?
It certainly might. And if you tick any of those boxes, you might be descended from a Fallen Angel.

A reddish tinge?
But there’s more… Scientists have identified a blood type that may well be the blood type of the Nephilim.
Rhesus Negative.
Blood types are broken into two groups. The first is a letter, A, B, AB and O. The second is the RH, or Rhesus Factor, which is positive or negative.
So, for example, the most common blood type in the world is O Positive.

Most people have a positive blood group. A, B, or AB positive. 85% of the world’s population in fact.
So, what of the 15% with a negative blood type?
Scientists argue the Rhesus negative blood group originated in the Holy Land 35,000 years ago.
And it originated suddenly, like it was introduced to the human genetic code from an outside source.
Now, however, it’s practically unknown in the native people of Israel, Jordan, Palestine and the Lebanon. It’s practically unknown in most parts of the world.
Except Europe.
Most of the people with negative blood types live in Northern Europe.
Where Japheth’s children settled.
About 40% of Northern Europeans have an RH-negative blood type.
And that means that approaching half of Northern Europeans could be descended from the Fallen Angels.
But were the Nephilim angels?
Just like the Jewish and Christian texts of the Books of Enoch and Genesis describe angels coming down to earth from Heaven, so many other ancient cultures describe visitors from the stars.
Notably, the ancient Sumerians.
The ancient Sumerians believed that a group of god-like creatures called the Anunnaki came to earth to lead men, to guide them. Two hundred Anunnaki came, to be precise. Just like the angels.
The Anunnaki taught the Sumerians to read and write, to build and to become civilised.
It’s a striking parallel. Especially as the Sumerians lived in the part of the world we now know as Iraq, not far from the Holy Lands.
Could it be the Sumerians and the ancient Jewish peoples weren’t encountering angels or gods?
Could they have been encountering aliens?
And have those aliens now populated Europe with their children?
It’s a far-fetched theory. Like the story of the Nephilim is far-fetched.
But so far-fetched it might just be believable.

Is Lucifer your grandad 75 times removed?
If you’re intelligent, have fair skin that burns easily and have a reddish tinge to the hair on your head or to your pubic hair, you may be descended from a Fallen Angel like Satan or Lucifer. You might want to consider a blood test to see if you’re an RH-negative type. And you might want to book a trip to Madrid. In the city’s Retiro Park you’ll find the world’s only public monument to your ancestor, Lucifer. And if Lucifer is your ancestor, he’ll be your grandad approximately 75 times removed

April 14-2018     If it were not for the internet we would still be living in the dark ages, except for the elite. In all that is posted, we all need to discern the positive and negative. And if questioned, a search will guide us to hundreds or even thousands of postings of past, present and future articles, being it, Facebook, Google, You Tube etc. Like for example: scientists have discovered in the last 10 years two mega cites, one off the coast of India which is larger than New York under 300 miles of water. The second off the coast of Japan which is much bigger under 320 miles of water. What has scientists baffled is these mega cities are about 150.000 years old and in fact have solid buildings, streets, parks and modern day features. They conclude that these cities just sank into the waters with no damage. I call it a sink hole. There are other cities as well these are approximately 50-75 thousands years old. It is also documented that California was once an island about 100.000 years ago. In the last 30 years scientists have discovered thousands of under ground cities in Turkey. some which could house 10.000 people. They are noted as between 200-300 thousands years old. Some are now open for tourists. They are also finding these in America and other parts of the world. And, to top it off there is a tunnel from Turkey to Iceland that a truck can drive through. There are many under ground tunnels in the northern hemisphere , the question, what now happens to those who follow the biblical narrative of creation (Genesis) in the bible which is looked as only 6000 years ago. Scientists with modern day equipment state that the earth is millions years old. My RELIGIOUS friends disclaim these findings. Its now for you to digest these claims. I would like to hear your comments by being open minded.

April 04-2018 HOW MONEY TALKS! It has been documented that groups which support global warming receive billions of dollars, while those opposed to it get nothing. If I got a large amount of monies, I would follow the money. Recently, global warming has changed to global climate change. I strongly believe that with all the research that I have done, that its not CO2 or us humans, its the sun. If its global warming causing all the problems, why are the 4 Magnetic Poles jumping around and the North Pole which is in Northern Canada as scientists say will shortly move to Siberia Russia. Scientists at NASA and NOAA confirm that the sun is falling asleep. That is the sun sports are decreasing and that will effect the earth and other planets greatly. I would like to hear your comments.

March 04-2018 We are back. We have had some family health issues. But, we have been doing a lot of research about cosmos events. These pertain to weather, politics, health, spiritual, nature, floods, heavenly, earthly upheavals, financial meltdowns , job losses, bankruptcies, homelessness and most of all food shortages and a possible power loss (EMP) etc. The weather events are the most pressing. and most people do not even realize that we are since 2017 entering into a MINI-Ice-Age which will last for up to 400 years. Search Google about weather changes 400 years ago, you will be shocked at the finds where millions of people perished. Past history enforces all these up coming events. We hear about massive earthquakes, floods, snow, cold weather, tsunamis, hate, killings just to mane a few. Yet! many are not paying attention to these coming events and are not prepared. We hear do not worry “the government will look after us”. On closing we can only say. “are you prepared for any of he above” As a watchman on the wall, we have shared our concerns. Now its up tp each of you. Are you READY!!!!!! We are preparing with what little we have.

Address all comments to  bpyaroslaw@sasktel.net or frruss@sasktel.net

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